Lev Binyamin activities

Our activities are Lev Binyamin’s beating heart, enabling the students and their families to enjoy an opportunity for cherished moments that etch lifelong memories. The volunteers that participate in these diverse activities are deeply impacted by the act of giving, creating a rewarding experience for all involved.

Summer camps

During the holidays, Lev Binyamin holds a range of camps for different age groups the varying needs of the children. 

These camps include lodging and distinctive activities. 

The counselors participating in the camps, teens from throughout the Binyamin region, provide support for each and every one of the participants. 

The personal ties with the counselors are very meaningful to the children, providing them with companionship and a sense of equality among peers.

Shabbat for the families

Once a year, an experiential Shabbat weekend is held at the Ofra Ulpana high school for girls, featuring enrichment workshops for parents and activities for the whole family. 

This gathering of Lev Binyamin families and staff fosters a sense of familial unity and partnership.

Families draw strength and support from one another through mutual sharing, conversations, and the realization that they are not alone in their journey.

Host communities

Throughout the year, experiential weekends are held, when the students are hosted by communities in Binyamin communities.
The community, led by the youth, hosts a special Shabbat for dozens of Lev Binyamin students, with the entire community coming together to extend their love and support. 

The Heart of Iyosh

The Heart of Iyosh project offers a unique chance for teens over 18 with special needs, to find their place in the IDF. The recipients of this service are accepted as volunteers, and come once a week in uniform to serve in the Iyosh – Judea and Samaria – division. 
They perform work required in the division’s administration and are integrated shoulder to shoulder with the soldiers at the base.

This is a unique experience for the volunteers, allowing them to feel a sense of belonging to Israel’s social fabric. Strong bonds of camaraderie and friendship are formed with the soldiers in the division, offering exciting opportunities to participate in its ceremonies and events.

Service in the IDF represents a profound milestone in the personal growth and empowerment of each service recipient, offering them a genuine opportunity to become an integral part of the Israeli community.

Basketball team

Lev Binyamin’s basketball team, led by coach Boaz Kashi, competes in a tournament of “special teams,” alongside teams from various service settings throughout Jerusalem. The team has already proven its capabilities, winning the first-place trophy in the league!!

The team meets every week for intensive training sessions. The activity not only improves their physical fitness but also brings immense joy to the participants. This activity promotes a harmonious body-mind connection, benefiting all involved.

Individual mentoring program

The personalized mentoring initiative offers trainees a supportive social framework tailored to their needs. As part of the program, each student is paired with a personal mentor with whom they meet once a week. There are currently dozens of personal mentoring projects operating in the Binyamin region. 

The experiential encounter is held in the child’s home or immediate surroundings
The bond between the mentor and mentee not only fosters a sense of belonging but also cultivates growth for both individuals involved.